Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Utilitarianism vs. Individualism - 1366 Words

Utilitarianism vs. Individualism Arguments for utilitarianism and individualism will never end. The essence of utilitarianism, pleasure is the chief end of life and the greatest happiness for the greatest number should be the ultimate goal of human beings, has always been a crucial matter of concern and controversy. It is regarded as an exploit of people’s freedom and individualism. However, individualism is deemed as an ignorance of teamwork. We cannot simply tell which one is superior to the other. Everyone just has his or her own preferences over these two moral systems. In my opinion, I prefer utilitarianism rather than individualism. Utilitarianism is the idea that moral worth of an article is determined solely by its utility†¦show more content†¦Here, we could use utilitarianism to explain. The invisible hand represents all the social good incidentally caused by individuals pursuing their own self-interest. 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