Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Renaissance Or Modern Era Essay - 1761 Words

The fifteenth century was a time when Italian culture embraced the arts and the artist responsible for transforming medieval artistic style to what is called the Renaissance or modern era. The Renaissance emerged in Florence during the fourteen and fifteen centuries, where the interest of expression that had been suppressed, broke free and emerged with a sense of creativity, reproducing their ancient culture. The sense of creativity gave birth to the Renaissance and the emergence of humanism, resulting in astounding work by many artist. A city in particular, Florence sparked the renewed interest by encouraging artist to create art and architecture for religious, political and personal achievement (Adams 2). Humanism was a departure from the past of flat sharped line figures, to painting and sculpting the human physique in its actual state. It was no longer seen as a corrupt and impure (Adams 28). Artist relied heavily on the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to provide the hi story and ideas used to recreate events of the past with resounding likeness to man. The story of David influenced Donatello, Verrocchio and Michelangelo by how he is described in the bible as a figure of strength, and beauty as the chosen one to be King of Israel. The story of David begins years before he was to be King, in the mountains of Ephraim where a man by the name of Elkanah lived ( Elkanah had many wives, one named Hannah was unable to bear a child, who prayed untoShow MoreRelatedEssay about Renaissance Influence on Modern Day Fashion1358 Words   |  6 PagesMany people would not believe that there are so many similarities between modern day fashion and the fashion of the renaissance time period. Many differences may be seen between the two, but the similarities are remarkable. Throughout all of time, clothing has been the major representation of social classes. 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