Saturday, July 27, 2019

Higher Education in England Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Higher Education in England - Research Paper Example Reports from the Guardian point to the fact that the government's failure to extend access to higher education caused higher drop out rates and lower number of students who attend university (Smith a), 2006). Current statistics on from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) caused disappointment among government leaders and ministers who advocate for the yearly rise on the population of students apply to universities (Smith a) 2006). Considering the funds that the government has disbursed in order to widen the access of individuals from all walks of life to enable them to gain entry to higher education institutions, many have expected that the results of these efforts can put a halt to the declining trend. The government is spending about 300 million pounds in order to attract and increase the rates of individuals who attend higher education institution to 50 percent until 2010 (Smith a) 2006).  The National Union of students has affirmed that the current figures on the tuit ion fees which continue to increase during the previous decades have a huge impact on the number of applications to the higher education system. The union national president, Gemma Tumelty said that the current figures and the declining number of applications to colleges and universities in England have 'real effect' on the choices of students which in turn thwart and discourage other prospective students to pursue their goals of achieving university degrees. The decrease stood lower in England at 4 percent - lower than in the rest of the country (Smith b) 2006) as the top-fees have not been put into effect in England yet. Clearly, what hinders many prospective students from entering higher education in England was brought about by the rising fees imposed even on poor students and the marginalized sector of the society. The impact of the 3,000 increase in tuition, which will be put into effect in September, poses worries among university officials already nervous about the declining student population. This only means that universities and colleges across England will have to apply extra efforts to promote higher education to prospective students and individuals who are from poor families and are already apprehensive about their escalating debt (Smith a) 2006). HESA figures strengthen this view as it contends those students from the disadvantaged families and who come from the lower rung of the social ladder.

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