Friday, July 19, 2019

Gender and Philosophy Class: Whose Job is it Anyways Essay -- ethics

Ethics of care, maternal thinking and morality are all very important aspects that should be involved in all aspects of society, but most of all today’s gendered workforce. Both men and women should receive equal rights and same treatment in the workplace, from equal opportunity to equal pay. Ethics of care, maternal thinking and morality should be applied in full when developing fairness in the workforce because of the great points it brings up about our flaws in societal development. The unfairness our society has created with jobs is expressed in both of these ways of thinking as well as displaying resolutions to these issues. â€Å"Women are moral equals of men†¦the experiences of women deserve our respect and are vital to a full and accurate understanding of morality† (CRP 194). The author of these ethics is trying to show how women need to be equal to men in society. Both men and women have something to offer in different ways. By ignoring attributes women could bring to the workplace, there are some things that might not be understood or accomplished. Women provide a cooperative, flexibility, openness, and so many other emotions, and characteristics that men don’t possess which is essential to achieve all possible success in the workforce. The author serves this point that both men and women are essential for society to function as they provide these different aspects that can either make the work world more efficient or even a different approach of doing things. â€Å"The aims and goals that define a practice are so central or â€Å"constitutive† that in the absence of the goal you would not have that practice† (CRP 209). This author also provides the point that women have more to offer, in situations that men cannot possess. Women prid... ...e many things that should be considered when adapting the human workforce. In all honesty though, ethics of care, maternal thinking, and morality are far more important for equality and sameness than any other ideals. Without ethics of care, there would be no right or wrong. Without right or wrong, morality would not have been adopted to teach civilization how to treat people in the workforce. Without maternal thinking, there would not be variation in the people or how they are treated both in and outside the work place. Works Cited "CRP." Gender and Philosophy Class Reading Packet. Comp. Sandy Johanson. Philosophy 206 ed. N.p.: n.p., 2014. 1-151. Rpt. in Readings Week 1-5. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print. The Mothers Movement Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Mar. 2014.>.

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