Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Importance of Photography in Market Essay Example for Free

The Importance of Photography in Market Essay Nowadays, a lot of people are dissatisfied with Computer Generated Images. They complain about unethical behavior in these images because these are usually unreal or copied version of the original; thus, this pictures can destroy the reputation of any brand (Spurgin, 2003). However, there are several reasons that show shooting a real picture is the best way for a business to promote its image. I. Relationship Between Photography and Business Photography is one of the steps of be success for a company. â€Å"The most successful brands achieve fame through their use of iconic imagery† (Roalfe, 2006, P.26) Long text ads are not useful any more, and these are not grab attention of any body. This not the thing that companies wants from ads. This is like just throw money to the garbage. On the other hand, a picture can grab attention of customers just at a glance, this is what really companies are need. Pictures act like a hook for Ads. â€Å"The reaction you want is for your images to hold people’s attention for as long as possible† (P.27). However, if picture is perfect, but irrelevant to companies’ product is worth nothing. Companies and advertisement agencies can make profit with having right, interesting, relevant and real picture of their ads, or they can have paper which â€Å"is not worth the paper it’s printed on†. (Muhleman, 2005, P. 23) II. Perfect Picture can Equal Successful Brand. â€Å"The visuals you use will create a perception of your firm in the mind of the people who see them† (P.24). â€Å"The right picture is worth a thousand  words. It can tell you story, showcase your products, and intrigue, interest or excite your audience† (P.23). The picture that a company uses for an ad is presenting not only company’s product but also the personality of the company (Muhleman, 2005). Who, How and How Much? â€Å"To know how best to present yourself and your firm, you first have to know who you are. And that’s not always as simple as it sounds† (P.25). After the company owners knows who they are and what they want, they can ask for a photo. However, it is difficult to decide which photo is better (Muhleman, 2005). However, more difficult thing is to find and choose a photographer. Uli Weber, photographer, gives an example: â€Å"choosing photographer for MS company is never as easy as one might think. MS is not a high fashion brand but it is the nation’s favorite high-street fashion brand. Most of the top fashion photographers only really specialize in high fashion. Their shots usually turn the models into something quite cold, where as we were looking for warmth and humanity for MS† (Roalfe, 2006, P.26). Here is one the way to find the best photographer for a company: â€Å"Better yet, get help with photography from your agency or public relations partner. They’re already familiar with photographers in area, and can often get you a better deal with the good ones due to other relationship† (Muhleman, 2005, P.26). How much really should pay for a good photo?! There is not a particular price for a perfect image. Price is depending on company’s job. Further, company’s location, how many photo, when, where and what is subject are make different price (Muhleman, 2005). â€Å"The best advice is to check around look at photographer portfolios, find a few whose work you likes, and get several quotes. Often negotiate based on use. Try to get a buy-out of rights so you can use images whenever and wherever you need them† (P.26). Price is not as important as people think. If a photographer with cheaper price cannot give company what they really want and need, company will be in trouble because of wasting money and time. Remember, â€Å"It is not about your own personal choice of what you think might make a good shot; it’s about what is right for the brand† (Roalf, 2006, P.26). The other way to have perfect photo is using stock photos. However, there is always one problem that â€Å"photos are â€Å"royalty free†. And because you’re not buying the rights, they’re wide open to anyone to use at any time, so there’s a good chance you’ll see them in others ads, including your competitors† (Muhleman, 2005, P.26). Absolutely, a company pay for the rights to a photo, with high quality, the cost is higher but company has the photo that its needs and wants (Muhleman, 2005). According to Photography It’s a Relationship by Graham Medcalf, the other way to find better photographer is having campaign. â€Å"That’s where the agent comes in, and Force believes strongly in the concept of collective of different talents that can be recommended to achieve the desired result. Despite this, she says, â€Å"at the end of the day agencies are going to choose the photographer want to choose† (Medcalf, 2008, P.28). I II. The effects of digital technology on photo market Digital technology has effected to different section of market, photographer jobs and photo market which includes manufactures and customers behavior (Medcalf, 2008). â€Å"Photography has changed more in the past decade than ever before. Digital and internet have meant big changes for the industry and photographers have had to re-educate themselves and adopt to change very quickly† (P.26). Further, digital cameras are easy to use which is increasing the number of pictures taken. A lot of people who used to have a photographer for their ceremonies, wedding and anniversaries are taking advantage of digital photo cameras, and they shoot photos by their self. Thus, wedding photography has been affected negatively. In fact, wedding photographers are trying to survive by having ads like â€Å"your wedding day is the most important day for your life† (Havkins, J K, 2006, P.35), but ads are not as useful as they need. On the other hand, the other photographers like photojournalism, documentary photographer and action photographer take advantage of stock photography. â€Å"There are many publications that use images from photographers in different markets, because locals do not submit their own work† (P.35). Digital technology helps photographer to stock photos easier, faster and  cheaper; also, with fewer changes from original ones. Another advantage is saving time (Roalfe, 2006). â€Å"The advantage of working on digital is that you can see the images straight away on screen. This allows for a much quicker turn around because you can pick and choose images as you go along, immediately after each shot has been taken† (Roalfe, 2006, P.27). The number of digital picture taken has been increased rapidly. â€Å"Even accounting for population growth the exponential growth of photos is incredible (we take 4 times as many photos as 10 year ago). In total we have now taken over 3.5 trillion photos. The kind of photos we are taking has changed drastically – analog photos have almost disappeared – but the growth of photos continues.† (Good, 2011, Para.5) â€Å"According to survey by unity marketing (ww.unitymarketingonline.com), 44% of consumers agreed with the following statement regarding their participation in photography: â€Å"I enjoy taking pictures. I do so throughout the year, not only for special occasions. I like having a lot of pictures†. On the other hand, approximately one third of responders were less involved and agreed with this statement: â€Å"I take pictures occasionally on holidays and special occasions. Some time taking picture is a bother† (Miller Washington, 2007, P.86). This survey shows not only people who enjoy photography but also the other group prefers to take picture by their self which has been effected photo market; U.S. market is a good example. â€Å"According to the consumer Electronic Association (www.ce.org) 23.16 million digital cameras sold in 2005, a 22.8% increase over 2004. The value of digital cameras sold in 2005 was $6.13 billion, a 29.7% increase† (P.86). Photography industries needed to change their plan; process lines, machines even staff for producing digital camera that is cost a lot and take a long time. Kodak was one of the largest photo industries in the world. For being  successful in the market, Kodak had been trying to revenue their process line. According to Picture Imperfect written by Carry Barret and David F. Carr established in September 2004, for surviving as a digital enterprise Kodak were supposed to change all process lines from analog to digital if so they could give new products and services to their customers. Their problem did not only has changed analog camera to digital but also the way people print pictures. People prefer to print at home instead of taking time to have print from industry printers. They do not need to go out, and they do not need to pay a lot for have high quality photo. They save time and money. On the other hand, home printing has been decreasing the profit of companies like Epson and Canon. In short, after having huge budget for startup new process lines and trying to survive Kodak is facing bankruptcy in 2011(Eastman Kodak files for bankruptcy protection, 2012). The effect of digital technology is not only negative. Social network websites like Facebook and Flickr, and digital camera and printer maker industries like Canon, Epson, Hewlett-Packard and Sony are raising huge money annually. In conclusion, photography is one of the most important parts of market. All companies needs photo for their advertising. Because of the digital cameras, the number of photographers has been growing up which makes more competition so companies can have better advertise. This is a sad fact that some businesses have been losing money because of the digital technology. However, the advantages of digital technology are more. People enjoy photography more than past decade, which makes more needs to the market. In addition a lot of businesses have a chance to find customer needs and use them to be successful. References Miller, R. K., Washington, K. D. (2007). CHAPTER 14: PHOTOGRAPHY. In , Leisure Market Research Handbook (pp. 86-88). Richard K. Miller Associates. Medcalf, G. (2008). Photography : Its a relationship thing. Admedia, 23(8), 26-31. Roalfe, M. (2006). THE ART OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Campaign (UK), 26-27. Spurgin, E. W. (2003). Whats Wrong with Computer-Generated Images of Perfection in Advertising?. Journal Of Business Ethics, 45(3), 257-268. Barrett, L., Carr, D. F. (2004). PICTURE IMPERFECT. Baseline, (34), 28-48. Muhleman, J. (2005). Picture Your Brand. Franchising World, 37(2), 23-26. Eastman Kodak files for bankruptcy protection. Retrieved January 19, 2012, from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-16625725 Good, J. (2011). How many photos have ever been taken?, from http://1000memories.com/blog/94-number-of-photos-ever-taken-digital-and-analog-in-shoebox Hawkins, J. and Hawkins, K. (2006). Marketing and Selling Techniques for Photographers. Buffalo, N.Y.: Amherst Media

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