Friday, December 27, 2019

Throughout the world millions of laborers and children in...

Throughout the world millions of laborers and children in Third World Countries work in sweatshops. In these facilities workers are abused, underpaid, and cramped into unsanitary working conditions full of disease and death. Nonetheless, workers cannot abandon the sweatshops they work in, because they fear their families would starve. If fired they could easily be replaced by another readily worker; that is why workers dont oppose their employers injustices, because they fear becoming unemployed. In large corporations from third world countries, laborers only earn an insignificant percentage of the large revenue that the corporation makes daily. They work for long hours, more than what the U.S Department of Labor considers legal for one†¦show more content†¦As described in the article, â€Å"Outsourcing - Pros And Cons† by Kristin Carpenter; â€Å"Outsourcing is basically the practice of one company to contract another company to provide the services that could have been performed by their own staff†¦. One of the main reasons why companies are into outsourcing is diminished company resources, both in financial terms and in manpower costs† (Carpenter). Because the most powerful American corporations in the U.S are no longer producing their merchandise in the U.S but in developing nations, in order to reduce the cost of labor and increase productivity, the United States no longer has companies that produce jobs in America. And due to the gradual growth of the use of outsourcing, American employment opportunity has decline greatly, leaving many people unemployed and harming our economic strength in the world. In addition outsourcing is also the result of globalization; Jagdish Bhagwati’s definition of globalization says, â€Å"Globalization is integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flow, migration, and the spread of technology throughout the world† (Bhagwati 8). Finn implies that globalization is the major factor for the exploitation of cheap foreign labor in third world countries and the main causeShow MoreRelatedVo : A Family Friend With An Interesting Story1004 Words   |  5 PagesKaiden Vo was born in Da Nang, Vietnam in 1978. He immigrated to the United states with his mother and his brother in September of 1992, when he was 14 years old. Kaiden is now 36 and has two daughters (ages 2 and 6). I chose to interview him because he is a family friend with an interesting story. Kaiden first migrated from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh city by train. 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