Friday, October 4, 2019

Change management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Change management - Research Paper Example Planned change is a process where the company appoints an agent through strategic rationalization to assess the present issues and problems of the company (Blomme, 2012). It is worth mentioning in this regard that discrepancy analysis act as the base for planned changes within organizations which enables change agents to identify and sort the processes or aspects which should be inculcated or should be excluded from the business process (Goodman, Bazerman and Conlon, 1980). Emphasizing on this particular aspect, the report intends to present the basic need for successfully implementing a planned change in an organization. Therefore, the paper discusses the responsibilities and methods of the effective change agents. Subsequently, the report also intends to reveal some of the sensitivity issues raised by Bridges in relation to the implementation of planned changes within the organizational context. The ultimate aim of the discussion is thus concentrated on evaluating the possible stra tegies through which, the change agents could be effective in handling the issues raised by Bridges. Analysis of changes in organization In context of today’s market, there is continuous need for change in any organization. At times, changes are observed to occur voluntarily due to the influences created by external forces such as emergence of powerful competitors, change of government policies, consumer demand shifts and similar other variables. However, in certain circumstances, changes in the organizations are implemented through proper planning as per the needs or goals of the organization. For instance, in the modern day context, it has often been observed that companies initiate major changes in relation to its communication processes, the formation of employee-participation teams or establishing new product among others for the improvement of the business in today’s continuously increasing competitive environment. With the competition becoming more intense by th e every passing day companies are forced to make changes or initiate innovative ideas in their business processes to attain and preserve a leadership position in the industry (Daft, 2008). As per the current day context, the changes could be in regard to product or technologies or in relation to any other organizational concern. Changes in relation to products can be identified in terms of its quality and services over a certain period of time. In the similar context, technological changes refer to the specific alterations happening in the production or the distribution or communication processes of an organization. It is in this context that irrespective of the type of change, it is the foremost responsibility of the people to put collaborative efforts towards ensuring the desired outcomes. It is fundamentally owing to this particular reason that in order to implement planned changes in different dimensions of the organization, segregated teams of specialists are selected. These se gregated teams are further observed to operate following different set of policies and principles to that identified among other usual groups of organizational teams with the sole aim to provide new ideas of change to the business (Daft, 2008). When implementing changes in a planned way, organizations generally tend to follow a three step approach. The initial stage of planned change is often referred as ‘unfreezing’ where the change agents attempt to convey the existing

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