Monday, September 30, 2019

Clinical Educational Experience Essay

Educating the family and or the community is a role that every nurse must participate in to promote, maintain, and restore health among them. To accomplish such requires family members receive and have a practical understanding of health-related information. One method to accomplish such is to develop a health educational plan. The health education plan based upon information collected from a windshield survey and Friedman family assessment conducted, Areas that will be discussed include, a description of the educational need based upon assessment findings, educational goals and objectives, educational methods that will be used to implement the health educational plan, and the methods applied to evaluate the educator and process used in the development and implementation of the health education plan. I also include the health tools used to educated family, and Identification of a Health Educational Need. MBG elderly Diabetic type I, smoker, strike, demanding, uncaring, undetached from the family. JBG also elderly depressed and heavy drinker, son flat affect with family, dysfunctional family. Cultural, religious, ethnic, and personal upbringings are variables that are considered to gain a basic understanding of the family framework. Being old fashion hard cord Catholic is hard to make them understand that what you preach in the community you have to practice at home. According to NANDA, Nursing diagnosis for this family that I have encounter: 1) Impaired verbal communication as evidence by controlling, undermining from mother and lack of family connectedness. 2) Stress overload evidenced by busy work day, lack of time to relax, and sleep deprivation, and 3) Risk for suicide as evidence by father excessive drinking and mopping around wondering what is the point. Resolutions as follow: 1) Establish common goals, complementary roles, and ongoing  constructive relationships between the health provider and family members, family counseling and individual counseling. 2) Mental health is essential to a person’s well-being, healthy family and interpersonal relationships, and the ability to live a full and productive life. People, stress with untreated mental health disorders are at high risk for many unhealthy and unsafe behaviors, including alcohol or drug abuse, violent or self-destructive behavior, and suicide. Brochure was given to the family, Stress overload and attempted to cover depression and communication into the education knowing that dinking, depressing, and risk of suicide are very touchy subjects. Family was hesitant at the beginning but did pay attention and glanced over brochure gave them names of hospital and web site that they can surge for help. Nurses must be conscious of their responses and actions that may inadvertent ly affect the patient’s response. Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring uses a contemporary, holistic framework designed by using multiple disciplines to care for individuals and those within a community. So as a nurse we must be always be considerate about of the family as whole and include the community that will be affected. A learning motivation based upon personal need. The adult’s motivation to learn is derived from the developmental needs of the individual. â€Å"The adult †¦comes into an educational activity largely because he is experiencing some inadequacy in coping with current life problems† (Knowles, 1972, p. 36). References Depression and how to help out. Retrieved from: www. Healthy People (June, 2014) US Department of Health and Human Services retrieved from Knowles, M.S. (1972). Innovations in teaching styles and approaches based upon adult learning. Journal of Education for Social Work, 8, 2, 32-39. Nanda: nursing diagnosis Care Plan/Nursing Diagnosis/ Nursing Diagnoses List 2013 retrieved From Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 9th Edition: By Betty J. Ackley, MSN, EdS, RN and Gail B. Ladwig, MSN, RN ISBN: 9780323089210, copyright: 2014, Mosby. The Friedman family assessment model form retrieved from: friedman University of Illinois library. Retrieved from:

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