Monday, September 30, 2019

Clinical Educational Experience Essay

Educating the family and or the community is a role that every nurse must participate in to promote, maintain, and restore health among them. To accomplish such requires family members receive and have a practical understanding of health-related information. One method to accomplish such is to develop a health educational plan. The health education plan based upon information collected from a windshield survey and Friedman family assessment conducted, Areas that will be discussed include, a description of the educational need based upon assessment findings, educational goals and objectives, educational methods that will be used to implement the health educational plan, and the methods applied to evaluate the educator and process used in the development and implementation of the health education plan. I also include the health tools used to educated family, and Identification of a Health Educational Need. MBG elderly Diabetic type I, smoker, strike, demanding, uncaring, undetached from the family. JBG also elderly depressed and heavy drinker, son flat affect with family, dysfunctional family. Cultural, religious, ethnic, and personal upbringings are variables that are considered to gain a basic understanding of the family framework. Being old fashion hard cord Catholic is hard to make them understand that what you preach in the community you have to practice at home. According to NANDA, Nursing diagnosis for this family that I have encounter: 1) Impaired verbal communication as evidence by controlling, undermining from mother and lack of family connectedness. 2) Stress overload evidenced by busy work day, lack of time to relax, and sleep deprivation, and 3) Risk for suicide as evidence by father excessive drinking and mopping around wondering what is the point. Resolutions as follow: 1) Establish common goals, complementary roles, and ongoing  constructive relationships between the health provider and family members, family counseling and individual counseling. 2) Mental health is essential to a person’s well-being, healthy family and interpersonal relationships, and the ability to live a full and productive life. People, stress with untreated mental health disorders are at high risk for many unhealthy and unsafe behaviors, including alcohol or drug abuse, violent or self-destructive behavior, and suicide. Brochure was given to the family, Stress overload and attempted to cover depression and communication into the education knowing that dinking, depressing, and risk of suicide are very touchy subjects. Family was hesitant at the beginning but did pay attention and glanced over brochure gave them names of hospital and web site that they can surge for help. Nurses must be conscious of their responses and actions that may inadvertent ly affect the patient’s response. Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring uses a contemporary, holistic framework designed by using multiple disciplines to care for individuals and those within a community. So as a nurse we must be always be considerate about of the family as whole and include the community that will be affected. A learning motivation based upon personal need. The adult’s motivation to learn is derived from the developmental needs of the individual. â€Å"The adult †¦comes into an educational activity largely because he is experiencing some inadequacy in coping with current life problems† (Knowles, 1972, p. 36). References Depression and how to help out. Retrieved from: www. Healthy People (June, 2014) US Department of Health and Human Services retrieved from Knowles, M.S. (1972). Innovations in teaching styles and approaches based upon adult learning. Journal of Education for Social Work, 8, 2, 32-39. Nanda: nursing diagnosis Care Plan/Nursing Diagnosis/ Nursing Diagnoses List 2013 retrieved From Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 9th Edition: By Betty J. Ackley, MSN, EdS, RN and Gail B. Ladwig, MSN, RN ISBN: 9780323089210, copyright: 2014, Mosby. The Friedman family assessment model form retrieved from: friedman University of Illinois library. Retrieved from:

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Lord of the Flies: Can Someone Be Innately Evil or Innately Good? Essay

The difference in the way humans perceive things is part of the complexity of mankind. What is thought of as evil to one person can be seen as good to another, and vice versa. The issue of good and evil is brought up in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, when innocent boys are set on an island to bear the weight of society on their backs. What happens to them? How do past influences effect them? Are their actions good or evil? The actions of the boys were not a matter of being good or evil, but were actions for survival. A man’s environment does not influence him towards good or evil, nor is he born with it inside. Man has instincts and inner drives that are not matters of good and evil, but of survival. Humans are always, by natural instinct, going to do what is best for them and their survival. Animals, much like men, kill when in need. For instance, when they feel they are backed into a corner, they will attack, and when they need food, they will kill to eat. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph was being hunted by Jack’s tribe, and in a desperate attempt in his defense, he thrust his spear through a crack at the inspecting savages. Ralph attacked someone of his own kind for his own survival. It can be believed that man is the derivative of others animals, and as such, they have certain instincts that were instilled from birth. The boys on the island later began to resemble the behavior of animals. â€Å"At once the crowd surged after it, poured down the rock, leapt on to the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore. There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws† (153). William Golding’s description of this scene leads a reader to believe that these boys took on animal like qualities. What kind of human tears with teeth and claws? The boys mistake Simon for their beast and result in ruthlessly killing him. In their state of mind of savagery and hunting, they saw themselves in danger of this â€Å"beast† and their first instinct was to kill anything in sight that had the possibility of being it. Humans and animals have a natural instinct to protect themselves in the face of danger, like attacking when backed into a corner. Instincts are innate, but indefinite characteristics such as good or evil are not. The significance of moral values does not apply to actions in a situation for survival. Instincts are not about being good or evil, because the issue of being good and evil is undefined. Whether an action or situation is good or evil depends on who it is and how it is being perceived. This makes this issue uncertain due to the way it is viewed from person to person. Since the way it is seen will differ, man cannot be exclusively evil or exclusively good. Consider the following example: A dog constantly jumps on the window of a door in an attempt to get the attention of the family inside. He is doing this in hopes to be let back inside the house. Someone inside the house could view this as being evil, which would be different from the view of an animal lover. They would not consider this evil and would claim that the dog had not caused physical harm and just didn’t know any better. The dog doesn’t believe that it is evil because he is only obeying environmental stimuli. He’s been inside before and knows that it is much nicer than outside, and wants the attention that is inside. The dog has tried to jump on the door before, and had received the attention of someone who thus let him in. This leads the dog to believe that what he is doing is the â€Å"right† thing to do. After all, he just wants in, right? So the dog is evil because someone inside says he is, but then he is not evil because he doesn’t think he is. The opinions on what is evil and what isn’t disagree with each other because of how it was perceived by each side. In Lord of the Flies there is a situation that deals with Piggy’s glasses, which is the key to fire on the island. The glasses are stolen in the middle of the night that leads to a brawl in the dark among the boys. Of course the fact that the glasses were stolen, and that they were Piggy’s only seeing aid, can be seen as evil, but what about Jack’s side? Jack acts upon his need for fire to cook the pig he slaughtered with his tribe to fully enjoy their prize. Ralph and Samneric engage in a fight with whoever they can touch first, not even attempting to reason. Which is evil in this situation? Humans are simply complex animals that respond to complex stimuli, and their behaviors are influenced or are a product of everything that they learn starting from the day of their birth do the day of their death. Society sets a mold for the â€Å"good† and â€Å"bad† conditions that humans are learning from day to day. The role of society in being good or evil is that it acts as this guideline for that long lived dream of acceptance. It’s where what’s good gets you in, and what’s evil is what will make you repulsive. The ideas of power and the abuse of that power are not learned from the environment. The environment is used as a resource to abuse that power. Jack manipulates the boys into joining his tribe and sets up his territory on the island. He threatens people to join his tribe, and hunts those that refuse to. Jack’s tactics are an example of how he abuses power by using the environment and how he sets the society guidelines of acceptance. A society could not exist where people are brought up to know what they define as right or wrong, and could stick to that without problem. â€Å"We decide things. But they don’t get done†(79). On the island, the civilized rules of having drinking water, shelters, and having a spot for a lavatory are not followed. The boys were brought up having rules like these, but they did not stick to them due to the problem that they didn’t have a strong enough authority figure to instill them. Society acts as this needed component to life, and if it’s not there then it needs to be made. The creation of society begins with people who have the power to set the rules of acceptance, and they are the ones who establish what is good and what is evil. Society may manipulate others into believing what is good and evil, but those that manipulate society create that belief. It’s not that man is innately good or innately evil, it’s their natural instinct that drives them to do those evil or good deeds based upon what society leads them believe. Man can not be exclusively good or evil because the state of good and evil is undefined. People are born with an instinct that drives them to do what is necessary in extreme measures. This instinct over takes any other preceding thought and becomes the need for survival. In Lord of the Flies, it wasn’t whether or not the inhabitants were evil or good, it was their human reaction and instinct in the case of survival.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Aristotle and Virtue Essay Example for Free

Aristotle and Virtue Essay Aristotle believes that we need virtue, both of thought and of character, to achieve that completeness leading to happiness. This is the function: activity in the soul in accord with virtue, where soul is defined as what is in us that carries out our characteristic activity. Aristotle is right in believing we need virtue. The end of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics Book I introduces the idea that since happiness is â€Å"a certain sort of activity of the soul in accord with complete virtue, we must examine virtue,† because doing so will allow us to closer analyze and understand how to study happiness. He goes on to identify two areas: virtues of thought and virtues of character. I believe the philosopher is right when he thinks that a good life requires harnessing both kinds of virtues. Virtues of thought are simpler to identify, as they include excellence in problem solving skills, abstract and rational thought, mathematics and the like. Virtues of character, which are also called ‘moral virtues’, seem to be more complex and are also an integral part of the completeness that Aristotle said was necessary for a good life. Some examples of these virtues are generosity and patience. Virtues of character are definitely good for the possessor as Aristotle states in chapter 6, â€Å"having these feelings at the right times, about the right things, toward the right people, for the right end, and in the right way, is the intermediate and best condition, and this is the proper virtue. † Finding that mean or middle ground, that balance or yin and yang, is essential to establishing a completeness which ultimately lead to happiness. One problem may be actually the path to virtue. The idea of pleasure without pain is not realistic in the mortal world. Everything on this plane is relative. Take, for example, two dogs: Dog A lives on the street and has all of his life. He has to find himself food everyday in alleys and has to deal with the weather. This life is good to him because it is his world and he does not know any better. As far as Dog A is concerned, he is in ‘heaven’. Dog B lives in a mansion with air conditioning and gourmet steaks that are given to him on a regular basis. This is all Dog B knows and he is not aware of anything else out there better than this (even though it surely exists), so this dog is in heaven also. Imagine their own individual and relative differences if they were to switch places. Dog A would go to a mansion atmosphere and the comfort of his life would dramatically improve, while Dog B’s life would be hell all of a sudden. This relation of pleasure to pain and how it is all relative makes one take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Nelson, W. Philosophy 1305 Proteus Classics Readings. Thomson Custom Publishing, Mason. pgs 81-122. Aristotle and Virtue. (2016, Dec 13).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Wireless fan (high level design) report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wireless fan (high level design) report - Essay Example This document, once it is approved, serves as the basis for: The scope of this project is to architect, design and create Wireless fan. The fan has four switches one of them is turn on/off (A), and the others which are (B,C,D) to change the speed levels of the fan. So I have: The wireless has an exposed antenna. This antenna serves the purpose of boosting transmission of the trigger towards movement of the fan. The components would be light and not jammed because there is meager use of connecting wires. It is vital to note that the switches will possess an indirect link to the decoder. This is to enable the usability of switches. In addition, the switches will possess an angle of 90 degrees to the motor. This is to enable the compatibility of the switches to the motor fan. It is vital to note of the idea that the wireless fan system possesses two core components. These two components have more than a functional separation. The core parts possess a physical and functional separation between the sending and receiving components. This has a first antenna and a second antenna that link to transmit signals between the same. The decoder is segregated to send and receive signals through the system of antennae. The antennae have a relationship between the two links in a sense that the two signals shift between entities. Therefore, the decoder connects to the motor that rotates to trigger the movement of the blades. The system has four switches that connect to the four sections of the decoder. The decoder connects to the antenna and the LDE. In this sense, the antenna sends a signal to the receiving antenna. The antenna transmits a signal that triggers three levels of the decoder. The decoder, thus, transmits a signal to the motor that

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Law for business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Law for business - Essay Example Sharma for injury of her son. In business transactions there are certain terms and conditions which are eithor clearly mentioned at the time of making the contract or these might be implied be the law. When these conditions are express and are not otherwise contradictory to the legal provisions enacted in the country, these conditions are legal and are liable to be upheld by the court of law. However, these conditions are not express in the contract. Here a question raises that if there is no expressly defined contract between the buyer and the seller, then how a buyer can protect his rights? This gap is filled by some implied conditions in form of implied warranties and guarentees in any sale of goods. These implied terms are important because it is not always possible to enter into a written contract everytime, when thre is a sale. warranty of fitness for a particular purpos is one of these warranties. As per Section 14 (2) of Sales of Goods Act 19791, (Sales of Goods Act, 1979) the seller sells goods in the course of a business, there is an implied term that the goods supplied under the contract are of satisfactory quality and for the purpose of its usage. Section (2) (b) speaks of the satisfactory quality of goods including their state and condition including its appearance and finishing, safety, freedom from defects and durability etc. However, there is no requirement for satisfactory quality if attention of the buyer is drawn before finalizing of contract or if buyer examines the goods for defects beforehand/prior to making contract. As per Section 2 of Consumer Protection Act 19872, (Consumer Protection Act, 1987) if damage is caused, wholly or partly, by defect in the product, the producer of the product and the person who imported or supplied the product shall be liable for damage. Similarly, as per judgment in (KG


LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR-MICROSOFT - Essay Example ms Solutions Tod Nielsen, and Chief Technology Officer Nathan Myhrvold (Rosoff, Matt, Microsoft addresses employee morale, turnover, Direction on Microsoft, January 15, 2000). In 2005, cover story for Businessweek was: â€Å"Troubling Exits At Microsoft,† with a subtitle which captures the businessworld’s alarmed view of the events at Microsoft: â€Å"Once the dream workplace of tech’s highest achievers, it is suffering key defections to Google and elsewhere. What’s behind the losses?† (Businessweek, 26 September 2005). The same article writes about the bolting out of Microsoft by one of the top technical persons, Kai-Fu Lee, to join the company’s rival Google Inc., a move, which, according to Lee, rooted from what he saw as repeated missteps by the company, and even called the company incompetent, exactly opposite his picture of Google, which was encouraging bottoms-up innovation rather than top-down. Statistically, the situation is likewise alarming. Rosoff, in the same article, cites Microsoft’s Chief Operating Officer Robert Herbold who presented alarming statistics on employee attrition at the company’s last three Financial Analyst meetings, to wit: Since Fiscal Year (FY) 1995, attrition at Microsoft was between 7% and 8% ; and in FY 2000, it hit 9.6%, the first time it crested the 9% threshold since FY 1994. Although Microsoft’s is lower than the industry average attrition rate, it is going against the trend where the rest of the IT industry’s attrition significantly decrease. Rosoff also mentions that the Saratoga Institute research reveal that the median rate of voluntary employee separation in the IT industry dropped from 14.7% in 1997-1998, to 11.4% in 2000. Likewise, Hewitt Associates, a human resource consulting firm, pointed that attrition among IT professionals with highly marketable skills dropped from 16% in 1999 to 12% in 2000. As an Organizational Development Consultant, I have been tasked to assess the organization to find out the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The economy of a specific developing country Essay - 1

The economy of a specific developing country - Essay Example The nation has experienced a major transformation from a centrally planned economy to a developed and functional market economy (Heshmati, 16). Even with the progress, China is still far from development. Ten years ago, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of China was placed sixth largest in the world (Bailey 180). Between 2001 and 2010, the GDP had increased four times (Tselichtchev n.p.). China’s economy has grown by 9% for the last 30 years; from 1978-2004, its GDP grew by 9.7 % a year, faster than the world’s average (Hongyi 159). In recent times, the GDP has increased by 11.3 times; between 2005-2007 China’s GDP has increased by 11%-11.6% annually (Hongyi 159). Hongyi points out that annual per capita GDP growth rate stood at roughly 7%-8% in 2010, but it is estimated be about 6%-7% by 2020 (159). The income distribution of resources has worsened due to China’s transition to a market economy. The inequality in China is rampart between the rural areas and the urban areas; this is felt with the unequal distribution of resources. The inequality is felt by the increase of the rural wage employment and increased inequality of distribution of resources of urban income. The income inequality has been brought about by economic reforms, and began when the rural areas began being deprived of resources. Even with the new reforms, the poverty rates have increased (Bergsten, Gill and Lardy 31). China is a communist country, with a communist government. The Chinese Government has acquired strong capabilities of macroeconomic control. The market economy in China is a kind of government led market economy, and the government has strong control of the macroeconomics (Yu 32). The Chinese Government has helped the Chinese people, like the public sector in dealing with the difficulty of globalization. Nevertheless, the Government has also hindered the Chinese people; this is because of the inadequate continuity of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Standardisation of 0.02moldm-3 Potassium Permanganate Solution using Lab Report

Standardisation of 0.02moldm-3 Potassium Permanganate Solution using Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate (Ammonium Iron (II) Sulphate) - Lab Report Example The reaction between these two chemical moieties is a typical Redox reaction in which electron exchange takes place as depicted below: 9.8 grams of Ferrous Ammonium sulphate was carefully weighed and transferred to a volumetric flask. 150 milliliters of Sulphuric Acid was added to prevent hydrolysis and the mixture was stirred until the solid dissolved completely. The volume was made up to the mark with de-ionized water. 25 milliliters of the solution was removed from the flask with a pipette and titrated with the KMno4 solution until the first appearance of permanent pink colour. At the endpoint all of the Fe2+ has been used up (reacted) and the purple permanganate is no longer converted to colourless Mn+2 so the pink colour remains and the reaction solution will have a permanent pink tinge to it (Web, Undated). A second titration was performed to substantiate data for analysis and reduce scope for error. The strength of the unknown Potassium permanganate solution in this reaction is calculated by titrating it a known molar solution of Ferrous Ammonium sulphate which provides us with the molarity of the KMnO4 solution. This experiment proves that when molar composition of one chemical compound is known, and we can have a physical end point in a redox reaction with visible colour change, we can standardize the strength of an unknown compound by using the technique of volumetric

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Evidential Markers in English The Word Apparently Assignment

Evidential Markers in English The Word Apparently - Assignment Example The word apparently is representative of an act of cognition because it demonstrates the speaker’s state of mind and conveys what he or she thinks, believes or even guesses based on information received or observed indirectly. As Briton (1996) explains, words demonstrating an act of cognition are generally associated with a mental construction of â€Å"evidential markers from verbs of cognition† which are â€Å"analogous to the development of hearsay, sensory, and inferential evidential from verbs of perception† which mean â€Å"hear, see, and feel† (p. 243). Therefore the word apparently is a construction of information observed by the speaker. The speaker is not conveying infinitive information, but rather an information that is not only indirect but open to challenge. From a cognition perspective, there is always the possibility that the speaker is misinformed or has erroneously interpreted information observed or overheard. The mode of knowing is obvious in the use of the word apparently. Implicitly, the speaker is not conveying direct knowledge of a fact but rather an inference is drawn from information. The use of the word apparently is demonstrative of the speaker’s unwillingness to commit to a definitive conclusion but rather a willingness to offer an interpretation or perception of the information received or observed (Brinton, 1996). The speaker limits the information to an inferential form and is thus manifesting a degree of uncertainty by using the word apparently and failing to assert unequivocally that the information observed or received can be conclusively stated. Faller (2002) describes what is known as the reportative marker. The reportative marker is relevant to the word apparently because it offers a contradictory stance on the part of the speaker.  

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Mango and Favorite Season Essay Example for Free

Mango and Favorite Season Essay ?l`My favorite fruit is Mango. During summer mangoes are available in plenty. But we have to choose them correctly. Nowadays calcium carbide is resorted in mango ripening. Green mangoes are kept along with calcium carbide in godowns so that they ripen faster within two days. Then they are sold to shopkeepers. A fruit seller in Besant Nagar pointing a heap of mangoes stacked separately told that all these mangoes have been ripened using Kallu. He used to charge the right price and explain the reason for such high rates, and if they accept and willing to pay, he provides them the mangoes that have been ripened naturally. But he sells those that ripened using artificial means when customers intent on reducing prices. The Health Officer in City says people consume such artificially ripened mangoes can develop abdominal pain and some from gastric irritation, loose motion giddiness and vomiting. The Chennai Corporation Commissioner says that they have been regularly raiding mango merchants and destroying the ones that have been ripened artificially. If Public any how come to know the offence they can lodge a complaint by calling 1913. Mango trees (Mangifera indica L. ) grow upto 35–40 m (115–130 ft) tall, with a crown radius of 10 m (33 ft). The mango tree is long-lived, as some specimens still fruit after 300 years. [citation needed] In deep soil, the taproot descends to a depth of 6 m (20 ft) and the profuse, wide-spreading feeder roots also send down many anchor roots, which penetrate several feet of soil. The leaves are evergreen, alternate, simple, 15–35 cm (5. 9–14 in) long and 6–16 cm (2. 4–6. 3 in) broad; when the leaves are young they are orange-pink, rapidly changing to a dark glossy red, then dark green as they mature. The flowers are produced in terminal panicles 10–40 cm (3. 9–16 in) long; each flower is small and white with five petals 5–10 mm (0. 20–0. 39 in) long, with a mild sweet odor suggestive of lily of the valley. The fruit takes three to six months to ripen. The ripe fruit is variable in size and color. Cultivars are variously yellow, orange, red or green, and carry a single flat, oblong pit that can be fibrous or hairy on the surface, and which does not separate easily from the pulp. Ripe, unpeeled fruit gives off a distinctive resinous, sweet smell. Inside the pit 1–2 mm (0. 039–0. 079 in) thick is a thin lining covering a single seed, 4–7 mm (0. 16–0. 28 in) long. The seed contains the plant embryo. The seed of mango can be hairy or fibrous The hedgehog style is a common way of eating mangoes (left). A cross section of a mango can be seen on the right, not quite fully halving the fruit as the stone is not visible[edit] Cultivation and uses Mango orchard in Multan, Pakistan Unripe mangoes on a mango treeMangoes have been cultivated in the Indian subcontinent for thousands of years[4] and reached East Asia between the 5th and 4th centuries BC. By the 10th century AD, cultivation had begun in East Africa. [4] The 14th century Moroccan traveler, Ibn Battuta, reported it at Mogadishu. [5] Cultivation came later to Brazil, the West Indies and Mexico, where an appropriate My Favourite season is the Rainy season or the Monsoons. In India, it is a very important season. The agricul ­ture in India depends largely on the water given by the rains or the average rainfall of the year. For me, it is the most colourful of all the seasons. One can see a lot of greenery around oneself. The dark mass of clouds is a blessing and is eagerly awaited after the scorching summer heat. There are frequent roars of thunder in the dark sky. The best part of the season is that one gets a lot of unexpected holidays and offs from the school due to the rains. It is a pleasure to go out in the rains and get wet in the water and play games. That is why, I really like the enjoyable and fun filled Monsoon season. Favorite Season Essays Many students find it rather difficult to write favorite season essays. From one side, favorite season essay writing does not require extensive research or the scientific evidence. From the other side, your essay must still be written in accordance to academic standards, gain the attention of the readers, and be interesting to read. The following essay tips may help you with writing your favorite season essays. In addition, do not forget to read tips on writing narrative essays and expository essay. Favorite Season Essays Tips combine different styles and forms of composition: narrative, descriptive paragraphs, expository and persuasive essay parts. writing favorite season essays, do not forget about the flow of ideas. Subordination and strict order in essay writing is essential use link words to ensure transition from one paragraph to another. You may use the following words/phrases throughout your essay: one reason, another reason, in conclusion, first, second/secondly, in summary, first of all, third/thirdly, in short, for example, another example, to begin with, as well as, to summarize, to start with, too, to conclude, hence, additionally, last/lastly, finally, etc. Favorite Season Essays Structure Let’s investigate the main parts of favorite season essays. 1. Introductory paragraph – it may be a short story from your life that shaped your preference of the specific season 2. Body show who, what, where, and when. In other words, the main body of your favorite season essay should be detailed as much as possible. However, do not forget about staying focused on your topic! Do not make your essay heavy with excessive descriptions. 3. Concluding paragraph – end your essay with a paragraph in which you emphasize the reasons why the specific season is your favorite Favorite Season Essays Ideas 1. Winter: if winter is your favorite season, you may start your essay with the short story from your childhood when you went to see your grandmother and you spent endless hours outside playing snowballs. Winter is a favorite season for many people because of Christmas 2. Summer: if summer is your favorite season, you may write about the suntan, swimming, lose clothes, warm nights, and all others things that make summers memorable. Undoubtedly, do not forget to mention that summer is a season of vacations and you have a lot of time to spend with your friends 3. Spring: if spring is your favorite season, you may focus on the revival of the nature, on the romantic feelings, and †¦ the time of exams. Spring is a transition from winter to summer and it is no longer cold and yet there is no unbearable heat. Thus, you may write about the comfort of the spring 4. Autumn: usually, autumn is the favorite season of the older people and depressive ones. Autumn is symbolic of the wading youth and nature. Nevertheless, autumns are very beautiful in their variety of colors. If you are not a depressive person, you have definitely enjoyed walking in the forest in the fall season. Custom Favorite Season Essays If you find the above tips helpful but do not have enough time or ideas to write your favorite season essays, you may confidently rely on the shoulders of our professional writers. We are ready to write a custom favorite season essay for you from scratch and deliver it within the most urgent deadlines. We do not plagiarize! You may reviewfree research paper sample and essay on patriotism in our blog to see the quality of our writing help! All of the seasons of the year have special qualities. Winter though, is without a doubt my favorite season. I enjoy winter because of the beautiful snow, there are no pigeons, and because of the days that we get out of school. My first reason for considering winter for my favorite season is that when it snows it mostly covers everything. The trees and the ground are covered in fresh white snow. I can go out side and build snowmen and snowwomen that are decorated with all kinds of stuff. Like hats, gloves, sticks for arms, a carrot for a nose, and rocks for their eyes! I can also go sleigh riding with my cousin. (Thi ssay 7 My Favorite Season Winter My favorite season is winter. And snow indicates the coming of winter. I always wonder how magic and delicate the shape of snow is. It seems like being carved by artist. No doubt, snow is the most wonderful creation of the nature. I have had special feeling toward snow since I was a little girl. I like watching snow falling down from the sky especially at nights with the light of moon that it is great. Some people dislike winter because they think that there is no fun in winter, everything is covered by snow and the weather is cold. But to me, there are a lot of beautiful memories about winter. When I was young, I used to hung out with neighborhood kidds after school even the weather was severe. Actuaally we were looking for the heavy snow at the very beginning of winter. Because we were fond of having snowball fight and making snowman as well as going sledding. We were so happy when playing in the snow. We didn’t care how cold our hand were, how dirty our cloths were. The only things we cared about were who could win in the fight, who could make the best snowman and who could sled the fastest. However, we had to stand the complaint from parents. Another reason for me to like winter is Spring Festival. It is the most important festival in China. On those days, everyone would go back home to be with family and celebrate. It is also the most traditional holliday to Chinese, so everyone would take a break on these days no matter how busy he/she is. To me, the happiest things is that I can eat hot pot with my family. In my family, eatting hot pot on New Year’s even is the custom so on this day every member of my family would sit around the table to share the hot pot together as well as chatting. It’s really an enjoyable thing to eat hot pot in cold winter especially with the family. I keep those memories as my fortune and I wish everybody could like winter as I do. ssay 7 My Favorite Season Winter My favorite season is winter. And snow indicates the coming of winter. I always wonder how magic and delicate the shape of snow is. It seems like being carved by artist. No doubt, snow is the most wonderful creation of the nature. I have had special feeling toward snow since I was a little girl. I like watching snow falling down from the sky especially at nights with the light of moon that it is great. Some people dislike winter because they think that there is no fun in winter, everything is covered by snow and the weather is cold. But to me, there are a lot of beautiful memories about winter. When I was young, I used to hung out with neighborhood kidds after school even the weather was severe. Actuaally we were looking for the heavy snow at the very beginning of winter. Because we were fond of having snowball fight and making snowman as well as going sledding. We were so happy when playing in the snow. We didn’t care how cold our hand were, how dirty our cloths were. The only things we cared about were who could win in the fight, who could make the best snowman and who could sled the fastest. However, we had to stand the complaint from parents. Another reason for me to like winter is Spring Festival. It is the most important festival in China. On those days, everyone would go back home to be with family and celebrate. It is also the most traditional holliday to Chinese, so everyone would take a break on these days no matter how busy he/she is. To me, the happiest things is that I can eat hot pot with my family. In my family, eatting hot pot on New Year’s even is the custom so on this day every member of my family would sit around the table to share the hot pot together as well as chatting. It’s really an enjoyable thing to eat hot pot in cold winter especially with the family. I keep those memories as my fortune and I wish everybody could like winter as I do. quare 1: (These are some of my favorite fruits for examples. ) Fruits: Apples Oranges Grapes Grapefruit Mangoes Square 2: Health Benefits: Eating fruits and having a healthy diet can decrease your risk of heart disease, such as heart attack or stroke. Having fruits in your diet can prevent some cancers. When having foods with fiber in your diet such as fruit, you can reduce your chance of Type 2 diabetes and obesity. Eating fruit high in potassium as part of healthy diet, you lower your blood pressure, can help decrease your chances of getting kidney stones, and help lessen your chance of bone loss. Fruits are naturally lower in fat, sodium, and calories, none have cholesterol. By eating fruits you can cut down calorie intake. Square 3 Daily Recommended Amounts: Many foods have recommended amounts. The amount of fruits you need to eat depend on your age, sex, and level of physical activity. Children 4-8 are recommended 1 to1 ? cups per day. Girls 14-18 are recommended 1 ? cups. Boys 14-18 are recommended 2 cups. Women 19-30 are recommended 2 cups. Men 19-51+ are recommended 2 cups. Square 4: Tips: You can cut up fruits and keep them in the refrigerator for whenever you get hunger. Buy fruits that are frozen, dried, or canned, so that you’ll always have a some on hand. You can also keep a bowl of whole fruits in the fridge, on the table, or counter so it’s convenient. Facts: Fruit is the most healthy food in the world. There is over 1,000 varieties of apples. Strawberries are the only fruits that grow the seeds on the outside. Blueberries are native to North America. Peaches were once known as â€Å"Persian apples†. Citrus grew in Asia 20 million years ago. [continues] â€Å"Maria, you need to eat fruits to grow big and strong,† now those are the words that first came into my mind when thinking of fruit. My mother, always having our best interest in mind, tried her very hardest to teach my brother and I how to eat healthy at a young age. I must say, my brother acquired a taste for fruits and vegetables with much more ease as opposed to me. Mother knew that if she wanted me to eat fruit there was one way, and one way only, to get me to do just that; a handpicked, bright red apple will do the trick. Yet, it didn’t come as easy as that. There was, and still is to this day, a hard tedious process that comes with me eating an apple. First, mother cut the apple in half, letting its juice spill throughout. I still hear the sound of the knife against the cutting board, â€Å"PAM,† like a gunshot. The apple later gets all its seeds taken out and cut into even smaller pieces. Mother never forgets the most important part, the skin has to be taken off! And so she takes the knife, cutting the skin of the tiny pieces of the apple with such carefulness since just a slip could make her cut herself. The apple goes from a bright red to a nude tone, like the color of her skin. Oh sweetness galore! The first bite of the apple is as divine as can be. A perfect balance between sweetness and sour lingers in my mouth. As I continue eating the apple, I wish it would never end. That last crunch of the last bite always leaves me wanting more. And so, ever since then, the apple has been my favorite fruit. Every time I cut it in half, the sweet smell of nostalgia comes seeping in and warms my heart. Now, thanks to my mother, the apple has become a part of my everyday routine. Its sweet smell and taste never ceases to bore me. [continues]

Friday, September 20, 2019

History Of The Compound Interest

History Of The Compound Interest The history of compound interest goes back thousands of years, at least to Babylon, the traditional for Israel. What compounding means is the adding of accumulated interest back to the principal so that interest is earned on interest from that moment on (Wickipedia; the peoples dictionary). This is far different than simple interest, which means that the principle remains separate from the interest, which is paid to the creditor at various intervals, and so is not added to the principal amount. In other word, compound interest is when you put your money in a bank, you will normally receive interest. Interest is a percentage received on the invested amount for a period of (usually) a year. Principal for compound interest: For example, say you invest RM1000 in a bank for 5 years at 5.00% interest per annum As you can see, your balance at the end of 5 years, using compounding is RM1276.30. However, if the simple interest calculation is used, you would only receive RM1250.00 at the end of 5 years. So basically, compounding allows the interest you receive at the end of each year to generate more interest for the following years of your investment period thus enhancing your total returns. Formula: When the interest is compounded once a year: A = P(1 + r)n However, if you borrow for 5 years the formula will look like: A = P(1 + r)5 This formula applies to both money invested and money borrowed. Frequent Compounding of Interest: What if interest is paid more frequently? Examples of the formula: Annually = P ? (1 + r) = (annual compounding) Quarterly = P (1 + r /4)4 = (quarterly compounding) Monthly = P (1 + r /12)12 = (monthly compounding) P = the principal (the initial amount you borrow or deposit) r = the annual rate of interest (percentage) n = the number of years the amount is deposited or borrowed for. A = the amount of money accumulated after n years, including interest. Compound interest from Malaysian perspective. This time I want to show a newslater I subscribe from the young Malaysian millionaire mr. Irfan Khairi. He tells about the power of compound interest when we had saving. Compound Interest is the most important tool that gives rich people in the world. The key is, can start saving as early as even a little, and discipline to keep the consistency. What is interesting here is where we select our saving store to provide high returns, the next great compound interest would be more shown again. He mentioned about the stores that can provide returns of 12% per year is, I is not no other a mutual fund or unit trust. Now in Pakistan, returns 12% is quite normal if you research the companies Mutual funds. Please read newslater the power of compound interest to know. The compound intereset is not how do people get rich easier but it is how to make sure people get rich. Wanted to know what way? Let me explain with a better viewer Imagine a baby when born, every day, his/her mother put RM1.00 to the fund for the baby, of dollars daily. Its a total of RM30 per month. Year, the amount to RM365. Continue into the reserve fund and when the baby was aged 40 years, the amount contained in the fund is RM14, 600. Money saved is not growth. Perhaps the funds used to upgrade to a larger fund. But, lets face it RM14, 600 from the storage for 40 years is not a large amount. Now, imagine if the money is stored in the storage unit yields of 12% per annum interest and RM1 in store every day since birth. Money should only RM14,600, now RM352, 943.18 after 40 years. RM352, 943.18? Where it came from the RM338, 343? This is the answer to the question of how to become rich for sure. Addition of RM338, 343 is coming from the compound (Compound Interest). Compound Interest is the most important tool that gives rich people in the world. Elbert Einstein was question of the compund Interest. Answers given by him is very easy. He said the compound interest is the greatest Invention of all time. Of course my example of the baby in the not quite logical. How much is a mother can enter RM1 each day until the baby is 40 years of age. However, my example is to show that the small savings that we, if invested in the long run, it will be great! I have contacts who know to take advantage of interest compounds. They are husband and wife simple. Husbands income is RM2,500. Wife income is RM2,500. They live modestly and not wasteful. So, to cover all expenses paid by husband-living homes, cars, food and drink and all the requirements for payment by the husband. Meanwhile, the wife of the store to pay the storage unit yields 12% (now in Pakistan, returns 12% is quite normal if you research the companies Mutual funds). A couple is actually in the road that will lead them to become millionaires. On how? Save RM2,500 per month and given 12% returns on their savings, they say start at the age of 25 years (married young). Before they reach 45 years of age and get wealth, amounting to RM2,473,138.41. Yes, almost RM2.5 million. And this is the only think that kept wages wife could not go up for 20 years. A couple achieved millionaire status in 38 years of age. All of this is the power of compound interest. If you are not excited by these figures, let me explain more about the kompound interest and the interest compounds the key to success. The key to interest compounds. That is, start by quickly. If you delay starting your savings, interest kompun delayed effects. The answer is very simple, infact, it is no longer a secret because in any personal finance books in the world, surely there is a telling chapter in this way. Means that 100% if used will make us millionaires. Yes, you too can become millionaires if this manner. No matter our background, no matter the level of intelegent us, no matter what our expertise, there is a way to be sure that someone is a millionaire. However, not many people really take advantage of this because of Islamic Religion especially forbidden to do so. The Quran explicitly mentions compound interest as a great sin. Usury (oppressive interest), known in Arabic as riba, is considered wrong. Compound interest from others perspective. Several writers I studied traced the concept of compound interest to the Sumerians, whose empire included fabled Babylon. Could it be that compound interest and its questionable value is another gift to us from Babylon, the kingdom and system against which God declares eternal vengeance? Although Jubilee justice of the Bible allows no interest to be charged to fellow Israelites, there may be some cases where reasonable simple interest is both just and necessary. Economists use the term opportunity cost to describe the cost of other lost opportunities when money is devoted to one cause, such as making loans. So perhaps a low amount of simple interest would reward one for using money to make a loan rather than spending it upon oneself. And theres the additional element of risk, which also needs reasonable compensation. But never should interest be charged on funds loaned to the poor for their subsistence, nor should unpaid interest be used as a reason for foreclosure on productive assets or personal dwellings. Our legal system generally protects moderate home equity from loss in bankruptcy cases, but not against foreclosure due to lapsed mortgages. Why not? The effect of compound interest Weve all seen articles on the wonders of compound interest. But most of us dont have large sums of money just lying around waiting to be invested wisely. So were going to see how us poor folks can apply compound interest to make a difference in our lives. Time and compound interest, however, are a double edged sword. That 14% interest youre paying on your credit card debt is actually much higher if you figure in compound interest. now lets get down to how us poor folks can take advantage of compound interest. Could you find a way to save RM5 per month? Maybe skip lunch at McDonalds or rent fewer videos each month. If you drive a lot you might save 2 gallons of petrol by getting rid of the extra weight in the trunk of your car. Maybe send a couple of handwritten notes instead of greeting cards. If you look and you really want to, youll probably find some way to save that $5 each month. But, at that rate itll take forever to save anything. Well, lets see. If we save RM5 per month, earn 5% interest compounded monthly and continue to do that for 10 years whatll we save? Well, well have saved RM600 (120 x 5). But the account will be worth RM776. Thats enough for a purchase or repair bill. You do not understand and have credit card debts. We people cannot save money. Oh, but youre wrong my plastic using friend. Lets suppose you take that RM5 per month and add it to your credit card payment. Youll actually do better than the saver. Lets assume that your credit card interest rate is 14% annually. After ten years youll have paid off an additional RM1,315 in credit card balance. More time magnifies the effects of compounding. Lets say you put some money away today at 5% interest. That money will double in about 14 years. If you left the interest in the account youd have twice as much money earning interest in years 15 through 28. Its like you were getting 10% interest on your original savings. By year 29 youll be earning 20% interest on your original savings! The rest of the account will earn a less depending upon how long its been in the account. Another great mind of the Twentieth Century, the philosopher and theologian Alfred North Whitehead, believed that everything in the universe is constituted by its relationships to other things. Whitehead is the source of what has come to be known as process thought. In addition to an intensity differential, there is another difference between simple and compound relationships. If my identity is constituted by my relationships, I need to take other people and other things seriously. In part, they make me who I am. Simple relationships are those in which I deny this fundamental reality and act like everything is about me. Compound relationships, on the other hand, are ones in which I recognize the truth: my life is indeed about me, but its also about other people and other things as well. Value comes from relationships that are both substantial and reciprocal. In terms of our everyday experience, simple relationships focus only on how useful or obstructive others are to helping us get what we want. Each person in our lives has a functional role: customer, sibling, competitor, parent, employee, investor, teacher, friend, boss, teammate, or subordinate. We also view the elements of the natural world in an instrumental way: air is to breathe, water is to drink, land is to develop, trees are to harvest, oil is to drill for, and crops are to engineer. When our national interest is defined one-dimensionally, other nations are either with us or against us, friend or foe, loyalist or traitor. The problem with this approach is that it severely limits the value we can create. This has become painfully clear to our nation in recent months. We are learning the hard way that much of what happens in the world is not about us and what we want. If democracy eventually comes to Iraq, it will come because the people of Iraq long for it, not because our military insists on it. Our mistake as a nation is not that we want freedom from tyranny for the Iraqi people. Our mistake is in believing that our view of things is the only one that must be taken into account. I am deeply troubled by the disdain for human dignity shown in the Abu Ghraib prison. But I am also troubled by how those actions mirror with appalling clarity our wide-ranging disdain for other interests and other points of view. Value comes from relationships that are substantial and reciprocal. We will always be better off when we understand the truth: our interests are compound.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Math Is The Language Of The Un Essay -- essays research papers

Mathematics, the language of the universe, is one of the largest fields of study in the world today. With the roots of the math tree beginning in simple mathematics such as, one digit plus one digit, and one digit minus one digit, the tree of mathematics comes together in the more complex field of algebra to form the true base of calculations as the trunk. As we get higher, branches begin to form creating more specialized forms of numerical comprehension and schools of mathematical thought. Some examples of these are the applications into chemistry, economics and computers. Further up the tree we see the crown beginning to form with the introduction of calculus based organization. Calculus, a theoretical school of mathematical thought, had its creation in the middle ages with Newton. The main use of calculus is its application in advanced physics. Mathematics is everywhere because that is where we put them, everywhere. We, humans, represent everything with numbers, which therefore me ans that we impose mathematics on to the universe.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Starting at childhood, education begins with the forced mind track of comparison. Parents teach their offspring to be fair or equal, and that they should share to make it fair. This is the beginning of the mathematical state of mind which stays with the child for the rest of his/her life, the summing up of what they themselves have and comparing it to what the other person has, so that both sides can be equal. This lesson is considered essential in the raising of children and since everyone is supposed to understand, people assume that everyone does. This assumption is a flaw that begins early. An example of how this can have a not so positive effect on people is if the â€Å"spoiled brat† wants to have more toys than the other children, and thus becomes, mathematically superior.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When one plus one is taught to be two, two plus two to be four and so on, the idea of a pattern emerges. Patterns are another rudimentary concept taught early to assist in the comprehension of numbers. When a child sees a cat being chased by a dog that is followed by his unhappy owner, the child subconchisly devises the pattern, cat-dog-owner, or a-b-c, a link to the alphabet. Such as in the film ?, where the main character believes that there are patterns in nature, the child begins to seek out o... ...thematical systems or ideas were created with the formation of the universe in the Big Bang, they were thought up by mortal men with mortal minds. With this fact in mind, there is no way to totally understand the universe or for example, predict what will occur when a material is cooled to absolute zero on earth. The human race devised the language of mathematics and numerals and digits in the same fashion we developed the exorbitante amount of spoken languages which litter the planet. To state that the universe imposed mathematics upon humanity is upsurd, nearly to the extreme of lunicy. The point of mathematics is to be able to represent the universe in numbers, which are the most rudimentary language in the know world, and organize everything to the point of universal enlightenment. Humans begin their knowledge of the world in a comparison view, two is greater than one, and mom does not equal dad, but how can we compare our world to anything else? We cannot, there is nothing t o compare our world to. With this perspective, people are submerged into a universe of mathematics where everything is represented with numbers and units infused upon the surrounding environment by humans.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Native American Policy :: American America History

Native American Policy In the 30 years after the Civil War, although government policy towards Native Americans intended to shift from forced separation to integration into American society, attempts to "Americanize" Indians only hastened the death of their culture and presence in the America. The intent in the policy, after the end of aggression, was to integrate Native Americans into American society. Many attempts at this were made, ranging from offering citizenship to granting lands to Indians. All of these attempts were in vain, however, because the result of this policies is much the same as would be the result of continued agression. Beginning in the 1860s and lasting until the late 1780s, government policy towards Native Americans was aggressive and expressed zero tolerance for their presence in the West. In the last 1850s, tribal leaders and Americans were briefly able to compromise on living situations and land arrangements. Noncompliance by Americans, however, resumed conflict. The beginning of what would be called the "Indian Wars" started in Minnesota in 1862. Sioux, angered by the loss of much of their land, killed 5 white Americans. What resulted was over 1,000 deaths, of white and Native Americans. From that point on, American policy was to force Indians off of their land. American troops would force Indian tribe leaders to accept treaties taking their land from them. Protests or resistance by the Indians would result in fighting. On occasion, military troops would even lash out against peaceful Indians. Their aggression became out of control. Indian policy gradually shifted from this aggressive mindset to a more peaceable and soft line policy. The Indian Wars ended in 1980 with the Battle of Wounded Knee. The battle resulted in over 200 deaths, but also, almost officially, marked a change in Indian policy. Although the change had subtly began before then, policies then became more kind. The Peace Commission created the reservation policy, although this was created 27 years before the Battle at Wounded Knee. The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 was the greatest of reform efforts. The Act provided the granting of landholding to individual Native Americans, replacing communal tribal holdings. Another policy, the Burke Act of 1906, allowed Indians to become citizens if they left their tribes. Citizenship was eventually granted to all Native Americans in the 1920s. Although the intentions of Indian policy shifted, the outcomes of these policies still helped to suppress Native Americans and their culture.

Power of Men in William Shakespeares The Winters Tale Essay -- Europ

Power of Men in William Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale It has been said that in "The Winter's Tale" Shakespeare dramatises the contemporary struggle between masculine and feminine power. In light of this comment, examine the presentation of the relationships between men and women. Despite their many differences, contemporary society is now only beginning to realise their equal and respective roles in society. Since the beginning of time a contemporary struggle for equality has been present between masculine and feminine powers. The biblical stories of creation have often been used as an excuse to mistreat women. The mythical story of "The Garden of Eden" has been used to display women being easily seduced into wrong doing "The woman saw how beautiful the tree was and how good the fruit would be to eat... so then she took some of the fruit and ate it", how women corrupt men into wrong doing "Then she gave some (the fruit) to her husband, and he also ate it," illustrating women being dependant on men and men as dominant leaders going out to hunt for food "made him cultivate the soil from which he had been formed". Also because the male was created first "God took some soil from the ground and formed man out of it" he is often thought as being the perfection of c reation, where as the female is a helper "he formed woman out of the rob (Adam's.)" Â  Even after the Women's Social and Political Movement (WSPU), the work that the women assured responibility for during the World Wars and the feminist movement of the 1960's for women to be equal to men politically, economically and socially, inequality still exists today. The search for equality between sexes began in the early twentieth century with the WSPU and continues to the tw... ...nist Criticism and Shakespeare." London: Cornell Univ. Press, 1985. Mackey Sally and Simon Copper "Drama and theatre studies." Stanley Thornes Neeley, Carol Thomas. "The Winter's Tale: Women and Issue" (1985). Reprinted in the Signet Classic Edition of The Winter's Tale. New York: Penguin, 1988. Pyle, Fitzroy. The Winter's Tale: A Commentary on the Structure. New York: Routledge & Paul, 1969. Richards, Adam and Gerald Gould "Into Shakespeare: a introduction to Shakespeare through drama." London: Warlock Educational publishers (1977) Tillyard E.M, "Shakespeare's last plays." Chatto and Windus Wilson, Dover "Life om Shakespeares England" Cambridge University Press Folger Shakespeare Libary: Internet public Libary- Shakespeare bookshelf: Absolute Shakespeare-

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Desdemona and Cordelias Love

Doris L Soto Prof Nadita Batra INGL 4025 802 07 8757 Desdemona and Cordelia’s Love The differences between love and tragedies are portrayed in Shakespeare’s Othello and King Lear. The complete relationship between father and daughter is corrupted by an external meaning, which plays an important role. How blind and deft can a father be to not understand? Is it that important for a daughter to die just to prove her point and her extreme emotional intelligence?One man that can provide an example would be a father like King Lear, who denied his daughter Cordelia because she did not use flattering words to make him feel better or out shadow her sisters. The heroines of Shakespeare are born is these plays, they can be great and intelligent for their age, but they were somehow young and naive. Love and sorrow are a part of these tragic relationships; whereas it is too late for denial and repent. Within their actions of love and understanding both of these women convinced their fathers they were completely right.Desdemona was married to Othello without the consent of her father Barbantio, this caused Barbantio to feel indignant and even more so when he knew that Othello, who was more of a friend than anything else, was the man who had courted and married his daughter without his consent. Indirectly, this is one way that Desdemona proves her true love, which is by confronting her father and declaring her love for Othello. Brabantio question her â€Å"Destruction of my head if my bad blame† (Shakespeare p. 38), where Desdemona responds, â€Å" but heres my husband, and so much duty and my mother showed to you, preferring you before her father, so much I challenge that I may profess due to the Moore my lord† (Shakespeare 341). This shows how as a daughter Desdemona admired her father, and felt compelled to explain her actions, although she did not regret them. Brabantio was grasp and put in the same position, he was put when younger. As a fathe r figure, Barbantio realizes this love even though Desdemona was in opposition to his ideals.It was ontly logical that Desdemona would choose Othello since he was the figure that most corresponded with her father, in reference to social status, etc. For what her father has taught her, she had high standards; Brabantio was a very intelligent man. Desdemona had for the two men most important in her life, the one that raise her and the one that completed her. Acting without forethought is what best describes the injustice that is done towards Cordelia by her father and her non-supporting traitor sisters.Cordelia was the daughter that never cared about putting her life at risk in order to prove her point to her father King Lear. Her character was put to a test of love, money, and truth. Cordelia had proven that her love is divided; she cannot love more, she had a greater philosophy, which was that love equals love; none was greater and none was smaller. This could have been because she was royalty and well taught; she understood the danger of dividing a Kingdom. Ironically an intelligent father disinherits her, with her soon to be husband.This action of his came back tenfold when his other two daughters betrayed him and he ended out suffering just as Cordelia, only worst. This king that has been so successful and intelligent was blinded by the love of his daughters and his deception in Cordelias actions. This may prove he did not have knowledge enough of the demon that existed between money, betrayal, and power. Cordelia’s relationship with the King was not acknowledged at that very moment since Lear had made his own pedestal.With Cordelia’s departure, she put Lear on an evaluation, a test where he was the only one that could resolve; she decided to give him the time. Cordelia was willing to make her father understand her love no matter what, but King Lear was to devastated and stubborn to realize that he was being betrayed by the daughters that pret ended to love him and loved by Cordelia, the rebellious one. The moment in which the King understood this was too late. The king reply â€Å"had I your tongue and eyes, I’d use them so that the heaven’s vault crack. She’s gone forever.I know when one is dead and when one live; she is dead like earth† (Shakespeare 704) By the time it came to him that she was the truly good daughter, he saw that the place were she was suppose to be from the beginning was with him. An ignorant father that could not realize his third child was the one with the more knowledge and understanding of life and love. Cordelia died to prove it. Desdemona and Cordelia made the impossible to acknowledge their importance of their existence throughout the play; they were both the heroines for their stories of being strong and liberal women.The ones that made reason within the power that were assigned for men. Desdemona was a very intelligent woman like Cordelia, they were assigned for th ose men to make them understand that love is pain and is not only love. These women tried to make their fathers understand with just words what they intended to do but could not. Cordelia did not lie to her father and Desdemona clarified that she was not stolen. Both of these great women did what they felt it was right.Desdemona’s overconfidence of the world and her own situation drag her to her own murder, she was too naive to understand the evil that her own father planted in Othello’s mind which was going to get her killed. The price that Desdemona and Cordelia had to pay was of silent and death, they had no more options, they both wanted to prove that they were right and that their truth was going to be relevant in some of the point of their situation. Cordelia was not going to rest until she save her father and Desdemona was not going to be complete unless her father approves her relation with Othello.Their father and daughter relationships seemed to correspond wi th one another in both of the plays. These women were from a high class and both had their father as an example of greatness and power, therefore they are as intelligent and powerful as their fathers, the difference between them is that they are women and somehow that makes them see things different and understand from another perspective what men would not. Women are actually stronger, and the both prove it when their love was enough to not want to quit and to prevail in their points. ‘ Work Cited Shakespeare, William. Four Tragedies Shakespeare. April: Bantam Dell, 2005. Print.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Cause and Effect of Movie Crash Essay

Crash, a film directed by Paul Haggis in 2005, is a film that follows characters whose lives intertwine over the course of just a few hours. These characters all have different cultures, ethnicities and backgrounds, but are each in front of the identical issues of racial discrimination and stereotyping because of their differences. Making the impression that â€Å"films are primarily concerned with the issues of everyday people† a highly accurate statement in regards to the movie Crash. Thoroughly Crash provides a look into these issues of discrimination and stereotyping and shows how they affect everyone’s lives. Crash is the perfect resemblance of how we as a human race deal with life, people and our own experiences. Physical characteristics and racial differences may be interpreted as two distinguishing traits that separate us. I think it’s what keeps us away from each other. It also shows how everyone’s actions can cause a current effect on another person’s life. Together we are all connected to one another by just crossing one another’s paths while been in possession of our lives. A person’s views and beliefs can have an outcome on how one behaves towards other people. The opening scene is great in presenting the issue of racism right from the start. There has been a load on a motorway and Detective Ria is soon arguing with an Asian lady. â€Å"I ‘Blake’ too fast? I’m sorry, you no see my ‘Blake’ lights†? †¦Maybe you see over steering wheel, you ‘Blake’ too.† These harsh words set the film up for a story full of racism and discrimination. Paul Haggis uses this negative mood to prove the anger. What Haggis is showing is that when you’re in your car, you feel safe and oblivious to everything outside of your world because you are secluded in your own little space. It’s only if you crash that you have to deal with the reality of what’s happening outside your own life. This is much the same with racial discrimination. You can live in your own little bubble, but when you find yourself â€Å"crashing into† someone else’s life, you’ll be forced to deal with your racial discrimination. John Ryan is one of the characters from the movie Crash. John role in the movie is a racist cop who always seems to show hate towards anyone he feels is a threat to him, mainly because him being a cop, he has the authority to do so over most people. He basically picks on anyone he feels is an irritation to him. In the movie his circumstances are very interesting, especially the way it effects different situations and other characters from the movie. Officer Ryan in the first scene that he is in, it shows him speaking on a pay phone in a diner. He is arguing about his elderly father medical condition and need for more testing and medications. After a couple minutes of speaking his conversation does not gets nowhere with the person on the phone, he ask them for their name. When she replies that her name was Shaniqua he says â€Å"that’s what I thought†. His attempt at trying to use reverse psychology on Shaniqua is very poor to get her to see his dad, it does make sense. However, she sees right through that and sees that he’s just being a racist prick. Then when he goes to the office in person it is the same women he had spoken with on the phone previously. He started off trying to be polite and civil. Regardless of his current behavior the woman cannot forget his being racist prick. All that officer Ryan cause was for Shaniqua to respond in a negative way. Officer Ryan’s request for further testing and a new Doctor for his sick father were rejected. Officer Ryan doesn’t stop, and then tries to explain why he is a racist to Shaniqua. He tells her of when the city of L.A passed a minority act John Ryan’s father loses his business, because almost all of his employees are working minorities. I think this adds or might even be one of the main reasons that causes John to become a racist individual towards others. Causes him to blame the minorities for the closure of his father’s business, (after all if it wasn’t f or them being minorities his father would still have his business) influencing him to mistreat people of other races. Shaniqua calls the buildings security to remove Officer Ryan from the building. Officer Ryan is out on patrol and pulls over the vehicle of a black couple Cameron and Christine, because the vehicle sort of matched the description of the D.A.’s stolen car. Because of his racist attitudes he proceeds to do an unnecessary body search just because he has the authority and disrespectfully molests Christine in front of her husband, and this act probably makes him feel like he’s getting even, maybe even like he’s getting â€Å"revenge† on minorities for ruining his sick dads business. Because it was their †fault† that the act was passed, but in reality John just seems to need someone to blame and African Americans are the easiest for him to criticize. For the reason that, Officer Ryan’s behavior towards Christine it has cause this couple to fight after getting home. Christine is angry that Cameron did not stop Officer Ryan from molesting her. This fight would never have happened if not for the why that Officer Ryan had treated them earlier. After that the discord and emotional distress that Christine was under. There is a serious car accident involving Christine upset and hurt and to a complete loss to be driving, which in turn causes the accident. She is badly injured in a car that is turned over, and refuses her only help from whom other then John Ryan. She seems scared and frightened when he approaches the scene and tries to help. I think at this very moment Ryan must have a huge change of heart and redeems himself, because he actually really wants to help Christine instead of hurting her, a minority, someone John Ryan would usually mistreat and maybe even ignore at this point. The cause of him molesting Christine caused the mistrust between them, but during the life threatening situation they were both in, he probably realize he had been wrong, as he strongly convinces Christine he was not going to hurt her. He even rushed back in to save her after being pulled out without. Christine even with the car being totally in flames right before the car blows up, he was able to get her out on time. This accident and the initial reaction of Christine towards Officer Ryan when he is trying to help her get out of the remains, it is showing himself the reason why he became a cop. That it did not matter what a person’s race was that they were still a person. However, that could possibly be the most important theme of Crash is how these racial stereotypes were able to be shattered. Or on the other side of the coin is how easy it is to fall and jump into judgement someone else by their race or even how they look or talk. In one of the last scenes of the movie Offi cer Hansen, shoots and kills the African American that was reaching in his pocket for his Saint Christopher statute. To show him that he had the same as the one Officer Hansen had on his dash board. Officer Hansen, assuming it was a gun the young black man was reaching in his pocket for. He shot the young man and killed him. The young man just happened to be detective Grimm’s younger brother. Officer Hansen must have realized in that moment what his ex-partner officer Ryan had meant when he had spoken to him at the start of the shift. Those words spoken had been the truth more than he wished to have to acknowledge. Crash. Dir Paul Haggis 2005 Perf Matt Dillion and Don Cheadle, DEJ Productions, DVD Crash. Dir. Paul Haggis. Perf. Sandra Bullock. Movies | Movie Trailers | Reviews – Rotten Tomatoes. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. . Koban, Craig J. â€Å"Afilm Review: Crash.† CrAiGeR’s Cinema Corner. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. .

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Salvador Dali Giorgio de Chirico

How could two pieces created in different art movements share similar traits? Salvador Dali’s Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening and Georgio De Chirico’s The Disquieting Muses are surprisingly similar. Both paintings take the viewer into the dream world by using different elements, principles, and subject matter. Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening was an oil on canvas painting (20 in x 15. 9 in) created in 1944. Dali was a leader in the Surrealist movement, and this painting reflects Surrealism well.The subject matter was inspired by a dream that Dali’s wife, Gala, had. The nude and idealized Gala floats above a rocky platform that is also floating above the ocean. The heart shaped pomegranate (the Christian symbol of fertility and resurrection) is cut open and has a scorpion fish bursting out of the fruit. Coming out of the mouth of the fish, is a tiger, and jumping o ut of that tiger’s mouth, is another tiger. In front of the tiger, a baoyonet is falling just inches away from Gala’s face. The bee is located beside a pomegrante directly below Gala’s ribcage. There is also another bee created out of four subjects.The bayonet symbolizes the bee’s stinger, the two tigers are the body (black and yellow) and the fish is the eyes of the bee. In the foreground is an elephant with elongated legs found in other Dali pieces. Giorgo de Chirico’s The Disquieting Muses was also an oil on canvas painting (38. 25 in x 26 in) but was created sometime between 1916-1918. The two muses are in the front of the painting. One is standing, and another is sitting. A red mask, a staff, and several other items are placed beside them. There is also a manequin in the foreground. The painting’s setting is among a couple of factories.It is a very industrialized scene that shows no signs of nature. The painting altogether shows little relation to the real world. Giorgio de Chirico was an Italian painter who believed that, â€Å" art must escape all human limits: logic and common sense will only interfere†. Chirico was a part of the Metaphysical art movement which strongly inspired the Surrealist movement. The greatest similaritiy between the two paintings is their ability to take the viewer out of this world by using unrealistic figures. Dali’s painting is based on a dream, and Chirico’s painting reminds the viewer of a dream.Both paintings use form and perspective to create a 3D world. Surrealists believed in blurring the boundary between art and reality. Similarly, Chirico’s paintings from 1909-1919 escaped reality. The two artists also shared times of chaos. Although Chirico came before Dali, Giorgio painted during World War I and Salvador painted through World War II. Despite being different wars, they were wars nonetheless, and each artist experienced the hardships that world wars can bring. Because of World War II, Salvador Dali fled to the United States to escape Europe, where as Giorgio de Chirico remained in the East during WWI.The two artists went through different time periods, and thus, experienced different cultures. In the latter time of his career, de Chirico switched his style to closer match classisicm, and even critisized the surrealists, while Dali was a proud leader of the Surrealist movement. The colors in The Disquieting Muses are warm colors along with dark values and create an feeling of uncertanity. In Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening most of the colors are cool colors, and despite the presence of two jumping tigers, the viewer still feels calm.Dali’s work captures motion in every part of the painting, from the floating Gala, to the walking elephant, to the pomegranate seeds falling. In contrast, Chirico’s subjects are perfectly still with the exception of two small flags bei ng blown by the wind. Although Salvador Dali creates a painting that is unrealistic, the subject matter is made up of objects that a human can recognize, for example, a viewer knows what a tiger, an elephant, a nude woman, and what the ocean looks like.On the other hand, Girogrio de Chirico creates muses, a mask, and other objects that most people have never seen before. In conclusion Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening and The Disquieting Muses are both examples of â€Å"the dream world†. One is actually based on a dream, while the other simply gives a dream-like feeling. Each one takes the viewer out of reality and into an unknown environment which is exactly what the artists intended to do.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Amtrak Train Derailment

Who are the stakeholders in this case? The stakeholders in this case are the passengers, crew and their families, aboard the Amtrak train that derailed. They are also the corporate investors who hold stock in Amtrak and all Amtrak employees who have invested their time in employment with the organization. They could easily lose their jobs if a major layoff occurred or the organization filed for bankruptcy due to the millions they would be required to pay in damages. Stakeholders are the members of the Mobile, Alabama community who either witnessed or heard about the disaster and who may have lost trust in this railway system. The crew and captain of the tug boat which ran its barges into the framework of the bridge are also stakeholders, along with the owners and investors of the transport company in which they were employed. The emergency workers, the agencies such as NTSB, the Alabama Emergency Response Network and the U. S. Coast Guard are stakeholders as well. What are the interests of the stakeholders? Investors in the transport company, CSX and Amtrak stand to lose money as such disasters can lead to public distrust and subsequent falling stock prices. They must answer to the public as to why emergency signals were not designed on the bridge. Families have lost loved ones as passengers or crew members that they cannot bring back. Crew members that lived must deal with feelings of guilt for not being able to do more and not being aware of exactly what had happened. They will also have to face many questions from agencies investigating the disaster and will face stressful situations, possibly for years to come. Their careers and way of earning a living may also be in jeopardy due to the effects of this disaster. Crew and families of the tug boat crews must face feelings of guilt and shame. What is this corporation's social corporate responsibility in this case for the four areas of corporate social responsibility? †¢Legal Social Responsibility With respect to the legal responsibility, both CSX who failed to provide a signal on the bridge and WGN, whose crew ran into and damaged the bridge, while displacing the track have a financial responsibility toward families whose loved ones made a living, whether crew or passengers. Amtrak also shares in this responsibility for not taking greater precautions, such as reduced speed, knowing that some bridges are not installed with emergency signals. There is also a financial burden to repair the damages to the bridge and CSX track by WGN, who initially caused the event that led to the derailment. According to Mallen Baker (2009), â€Å"CSR is about building relationships with customers, about attracting and retaining talented staff, about managing risk, and about assuring reputation. † In this instance, both CSX and WGN did a poor job of managing risk. WGN is responsible for not having staff with better training and navigation skills and CSX for ignoring recommendations to install emergency signals on the bridge. †¢Economic Social Responsibility CSX, Amtrak and NTSB have economic social responsibility in reducing the risk of injury or loss of life due to such incidents, which has a huge financial impact on the families of passengers and crew. WGN shares in this responsibility as well. Though CSX did not install emergency signals, the NTSB should provide greater oversight to ensure such precautions are taken. WGN should be aware of the problems that can occur when a large vessel runs into various structures and should help in repairing the emotional and financial lives of the victims of the accident. Both CSX/Amtrak and WGN have an economic responsibility to the shareholders of their respective corporations, to ensure that business processed provide the smoothest possible operations, for best possible returns on investments. When disasters such as this one occur, investors stand to lose substantial financial gains. †¢Ethical Social Responsibility All agencies and companies involved have an ethical responsibility to make sure that various forms of travel or transport they oversee or are involved in are as safe as possible for their crews and passengers. Ignoring recommendations such as CSX did, in not installing the emergency signal due to cost is an example of social irresponsibility (Eisenbeis, et al, nd). Amtrak could have better communications and emergency systems aboard the trains and passenger cars, to alert the entire crew of emergencies. Though this may not be an issue of irresponsibility, it has implications for future rail travel. WGN has an ethical responsibility to ensure that vessel crews are trained and updated on navigation techniques, so that injury to innocent bystanders does not occur. They also have an ethical responsibility to have proper navigation systems on board the vessels. †¢Philanthropic Social Responsibility Travel and transport organizations do not have a specific responsibility to become involved in philanthropic activities, though they should at least insure that the communities in which they travel through are not adversely affected either economically or environmentally, as a result of their travels. They could take measures to provide incentives for jobs and training for jobs of those in the communities in which they travel through, as taxpayers of those communities share the burden of building bridges and roads. Because the organizations also contribute to introducing carbon emissions into the environment, they should work with and offer some financial support to organizations that help monitor and provide solutions for carbon emissions. Conclusion and Recommendation I believe better communication by all parties involved would have reduced injuries. Amtrak should have had regulations in place for speed during weather conditions and safety devices for the rail in front of them could have avoided a lot of the accident. Having markers in place for emergency response units, would have allowed them to give a more specific place of the wreck. When people’s lives are at stake all ethical issues and laws should be put in full swing. Common sense would have prevented all of this. Large corporations such as Amtrak should have trained employees and safety standards in place.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Article Critique on Responsibilities and Training Needs of

Critique on Responsibilities and Training Needs of paraeducators in Physical Education - Article Example The study also pointed out that 68 out of the 76 paraeducators were keen in receiving training. The areas in which training was desired were activity modifications, attributes of students with disabilities, and knowledge of motor development. An interesting finding that the study has is that less than 50% of the respondents have ever participated in physical education of students. It has been pointed out that the opportunity to participate in physical education through student escort, one-on-ones and cues were not used by this 50%. The participation of paraeducators in student assessments and behavior modification programs were also found to be minimal. Only eight out of the total respondents participated in the above mentioned activities. The major limitation of the study is its sample population size. Though 138 respondents were to participate, only 55 % of them filled in the questionnaires. This makes the sample size very small and thus is not the representative sample of the studied population. Another major lacuna in the research is that the participants were not blinded on the objectives of the research. This would have resulted in biased responses from the participants. As the results of the study implies on the capacity building of the respondents the chances for this are really high. The study limits its scope to the perceived observations on training requirements and responsibilities of paraeducators. These perceptions of the respondents have not been compared with the available literature. This further questions the scientific backing of the research with reference to the topic of the study. The topic suggests a broader research whereas the study has limited its scope to the perceptions of the participants. The study is further limited to the geographical convenience of the researcher. This further limits its scope from providing a holistic view on the larger The study would serve as a good resource for further research in the area. The study

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The culture of the city of Cairo, Egypt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The culture of the city of Cairo, Egypt - Essay Example Cairo is the largest city in Africa and one of the most densely populated cultural center of the region.It is famous for its proximity with the world famous pyramids of Giza and Great Sphinx. Cairo has derived its modern name from the Arabic name 'Al-Qahira. In local vernacular, it is also called Masr. Heritage Sites Memphis was the ancient city located at 20 kilometer to the south of Cairo, which was founded by the pharaoh Menes in 3000 BC. Cairo derives its heritage from Memphis as it remained most important city during those days having located at the mouth of Nile Delta.The ruins of the Memphis tell about its magnificent past and they have been preserved since 1979 as a World Heritage Site. Heritage sites such as Saqqara (Sakkara) Pyramids, Mosque of Ibn Tulun, Khan Al-Khalili, Egyptian Antiquities Museum, Citadel (Al-Qalaa) and many more in Cairo exhibit rich heritage and cultural pride of the place. Gates known as forte were the pride of ancient Cairo. They defended the country from the enemies. It also used to serve the purpose of Source: administration. Only residents of Cairo were allowed to enter the gates. In 1087, the three gates Bab El Fetouh, Bab Zuweila and Bab El Nasr were to built by Badr El Gamali, the prince of armies. The Egyptian Museum The Egyptian Museum is located at Tahrir square in Cairo. Built in 1897 during the reign of Khedive Abbass Helmi II, it has 107 halls. The ground floor is full of huge statues. Mummies and Tutankhamon treasures are situated in first floors. The museum is divided into several sections. Old Kingdom monuments and pre-dynasty stuff are housed at second floor. Middle Kingdom monuments are located in third section. Monuments of the Modern Kingdom are housed in the fourth section. Monuments of the Greek and Roman periods are stationed at fifth section. Coins and papyrus are placed at sixth section. The seventh section is devoted to sarcophagi. The tomb of Tut ankhamun was discovered by Howard Carter. It took almost 10 years to finish excavation job to unleash this tomb. Perhaps, the most fascinating group of artifacts that are available anywhere in the world is said to be associated with the discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb. Tutankhamun is said to have ruled Egypt somewhere between 1334 and 1325 BC. The tomb is housed in the basement of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. More than a million tourists visit the museum annually besides local Egyptians. (The Egyptian Museum†¦) Heliopolis The ancient site of Heliopolis is situated to the northeastern side of greater Cairo in a district called Matariya. It is one of the three ancient cities of ancient Egypt after Memphis and Thebes. Heliopolis called the 'City of the Sun' in Greek is now largely surrounded by the suburbs of Cairo. It lay inland to the west side of the river Nile. It is said that it was famous for its learning centers and famous temples, which continued even during Graceo-R oman times. The city got destroyed during 525 BCE and 343 BCE due to Persian invasion although its old reputation and structures attract tourists till date. (Heliopolis†¦) The Citadel The Citadel is most popular among non-pharaonic monuments. It houses museums, mosques and is one of the most fascinating monuments on Cairo’s skyline. When viewed from Source: the north side, it reveals its true medieval glamour. The area was known for its cool breeze. Saladin built the area to safeguard themselves from the attackers because the area had a strategic advantage of overlooking Cairo. In fact, Saladin had implemented his native tradition of Syria where each town was built like fortress to safeguard the local ruler. The construction was round towers so that it could be used to flank fire on those who try to scale the walls. The citadel walls were made 10 ft thick and 30 feet high. After Saladin several rulers reinforced the str ucture of citadel. (The Citadel in

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Interactive and E-Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Interactive and E-Marketing - Essay Example The researcher of this essay focuses on the creation of a proposal that is aimed to launch an online company selling high quality headphones delivering all around the world. The company needs to provide the product through the websites that is interactive. E-business, which is discussed in the essay, is a business which allows the customers to sell trade and barter over the Web. The researcher also duggests the company’s policy, operations, technology and ideology that defines it's business model. B2C is a company based in Dubai. The products that are sold by this firm include headphones, woofers and speakers. Despite the fact that the company has been operating well, the researcher suggests that the trends and changes in the market of B2C company has called for changes. The fundamentals to the proposals success is the development of Four issues that the researcher describe and aims to achieve: attracting 200000 customers per month, converting 2000 of the 200000 of monthly vis itors into paying customers, ensure high levels of satisfaction and loyalty and securing financial funding enough to endorse a celebrity advertising as it is aimed at young people. These key proposals mentioned are highly dependent on securing a substantial budget justifying the proposal in commercial terms. The researcher then presents the establishment of the marketing plan of the B2C company, creates models for it's website and provides the detailed analysis of problems that may occure and compares the strengths and weaknesses of the suggested plan. Site design brief The design of the website will be done using the latest technologies that will enable it to advertise the services that are involved. Site architecture The site is organized in a way that there is a common entry point which is the home page. This makes it easy for the clients to identify the location they are in immediately they visit the web site. The three branches thatare the web services, online marketing and complain are the major services that the company offers. From the home page, the client can easily navigate to these sites with ease. In any of the said pages, one can encounter problems or may need to pay for that particular service; the third level therefore allows this ability of the web site (Baker, 1990). KEY COMPETITORS There two companies that sells the same product online and are our key competitors. These are Drebeats and Dennheiser. BUSINESS MODEL (STRATEGY) The company will adopt various strategies/models so that they are competitive in the marke t. This section will look at the various models that can be used. A business model is a method that is adopted by a business in order to sustain its activities. This is a model that will enable a business to get revenue. The Internet commerce is the most complex business that is hard to know the way money/revenue is made. 1 Merchant model / e-tailor model The site will provide visitors with arrange of headphones. Such a model is underpinned by generating a high level of traffic to the site and a high level of conversions. The types of merchant model can be in form of e-tailer which is an independent entity operating online or click and mortar which present a replica of traditional brick and mortar storefront (ler, & Swanson, 2004). 2 advertising model Revenue will be generated by selling space on site pages. Such space will be in demand by advertiser based on the content of the page which will be relevant information and article’s for the target market http://insight.think-tr Informediary The information concerning customers and their way of consumption are gathered and analysed to formulate market target. The BCB business will enter into an agreement with firms that act as infomediaries so that the buyers of the headphones will be assisted by the firm to know more about the product. Such firms can be offering other services. For example emails or social site gives space where the business premises who want to advertise will put their advert banner. This ad network always gathers information about the customers that can be used by the sellers to maximize market strategy. Another strategy is incentive marketing where a system is put in place to track the customer loyalty and reward them for example giving them gift of point that can be redeemed after some time (Sullivan & Liu 2011). AFFILIATES The model filters the content of the web page and gives the customer information on specific task for example the buying

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Wallmart (Global Economy, Global Competition) Research Paper

Wallmart (Global Economy, Global Competition) - Research Paper Example The size of an average store is 108,000 square feet. Each store employs about 225 associates. Wal-Mart Supercenters were developed in 1988 to meet the growing demand for convenient, one-stop family shopping. First opened in 1998, there are now 168 Wal-Mart Neighborhood Markets. A typical store is about 42,000 square feet. Wal-Mart Express has been created to offer low prices every day in a smaller format store that provides convenient access for fill-in and stock-up shopping trips. Sam Walton, the mind behind Wal-Mart focused, on a single idea: selling merchandise at the lowest price possible. So he made sure everyone worked hard to keep costs as low as possible. Walton continued to drive an old pickup truck and share budget-hotel rooms with colleagues on business trips, even after Wal-Mart made him very rich. He demanded that his employees also keep expenses to a bare minimum, a mentality that is still at the heart of Wal-Mart culture more than a decade after Waltons death. The company has continued to grow rapidly after his death in 1992 and now operates four retail divisions; Wal-Mart Supercenters, Wal-Mart discount stores, Neighborhood Market stores and Sams Club warehouses (New York Times, 2012). Wal-Mart had its creation in the mind of Sam Walton who promoted a single idea: sell merchandise at the lowest price possible. It began with Wal-Mart working hard to keep the costs of their company as low as possible. This idea moved from their company to their suppliers as they asked them to be as frugal as possible. As the company grew in size, they began looking for every way to wring out the last penny of savings from materials, packaging, labor, transportation, and display. The result was "the Wal-Mart effect (Ghemawat & Mark, 2006). Because of its size Wal-Mart wields incredible power. This especially creates problems for local retailers forcing them out of business. Economist