Saturday, February 22, 2020

IAQ & Thermal Comfort Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

IAQ & Thermal Comfort - Research Paper Example Both regional and international standards have been developed to prescribe indoor environmental conditions that are safe for buildings’ occupants. In order understand how these factors (Thermal comfort and indoor air quality) affect the quality of life people leave indoors, it is important to know the various aspects affecting them. This research paper, therefore, aims at discussing and understanding the various factors that affect the quality of indoor air (known as Indoor Air quality, IAQ), and factors that affect human thermal comfort. The paper also aims at discussing the relationship that exists between thermal comfort and Indoor Air quality. The research paper will also discuss challenge of combination and maintenance of these factors (Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air quality) in Saudi Arabia, among others. Indoor air quality Description Indoor air quality can be described as the quality of air around and within structures and buildings which people occupy (Amissah, 2005). This quality of air is related to the comfort and health of individuals who occupy these structures and/or buildings. An â€Å"accepted indoor air quality† can be defined as an air condition in which majority of the occupants are satisfied with it, and in which there is no accumulation of contaminants to levels that can affect humans negatively (harm occupants) (Amissah, 2005). The quality of indoor air depend on a number of factors, among them include: quantity, strength and type of indoor emissions and quality, quantity and type of air outdoor. In order to ensure that indoor air conditions are comfortable and at accepted levels, the spaces that exist indoors must receive sufficient amount of clean outdoor air (Al-ajmi, 2010). In addition to receiving sufficient amount of air, indoors should be ventilated. During ventilation it should be ensured that all the spaces indoors receive air that is not contaminated with harmful microbiological components or chemicals which are ha zardous in nature (Amissah, 2005). In summary, the quality of indoor is normally affected by outdoor climate, variations in operations that take place in buildings or structures, and activities of the building occupants. Before proceeding to discussing more about the factors that affect quality of indoor, it is important that certain terms and expression that relate to indoor air quality are understood. These terms include: a) Perceived air quality b) Standard person c) Olf (Amissah, 2005) Perceived air quality Perceived air quality can be defined as the fraction of percentage of people who are dissatisfied (Amissah, 2005). Meaning that, it is the fraction of people who feel that the quality of air in a space just after entering in is not acceptable. Perceived air quality is measured in decipols. One decipol is considered as the quality of perceived air in a space that is polluted with a pollution source of one olf, and is ventilated using clean air fed at a rate of 10 liters per se cond. Olf This is unit for measuring amount of pollution generated by occupants of a building or a structure (Al-ajmi, 2010). It is estimated a standard person generates pollution of one (1) olf. Standard person A standard person can be defined as an average sedentary individual (adult) who works in an office, and feels neutral in terms air and thermal quality, or an average office worker who is not

Thursday, February 6, 2020

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift - Article Example Jonathan Swift begins with the vivid imagery of the plight of poor children and is able to evoke sympathy.  An important aspect is that this is so sincerely done that the most skeptical person would want to read on. Then he moves with calculated precision and creates a logical assessment of the condition of the poor. He also professes to have â€Å"maturely weighed† his calculations and proposal giving confidence to the reader to reach further down the narrative. Swift then smoothly places a dramatic twist by immediately following his preamble with the first shocking suggestion of â€Å"eating† all the penniless children in this manner: â€Å"a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled, and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee or a ragout.†. After this point, Swift begins to target the moneyed class of that period. He not only enrages the reader by the cold irony of his suggestions but also forces him to think by using startling imagery and saddening but stark realities of life. In a formal and methodical manner, he gives solutions to visible problems of poverty by calculating the worth of children’s flesh offered as food to â€Å"persons of quality and fortune† and other rich members of the society of that time. With striking prose filled with sarcasm, he challenges human emotions by recommending â€Å"buying the children alive and dressing them hot from the knife† as is done in roasting piglets. The subject of his criticism, the moneyed class, is woven in with a detached and mathematical precision by drawing parallel examples of their lavish spending and the worth of the poor considered as meat. In his cynicism, Swift does not spare any member of the society of that time that has contributed to or closed eyes from the causes and reasons of poverty. These include the pseudo-patriots, the clergy as well as royalty.